One Last Tensorflow Attempt And Results

So, I decided to give Tensorflow one last attempt using this tutorial. And what would you know, I got it to install properly. I specifically had to use Python 3.6 and Tensorflow 1.10.00 as 1.12 refused to work.

On the other hand, now there’s a CUDA issue I can’t seem to resolve because the CUDA installer doesn’t want to even open for me. To that end, I’ll definitely have to let TensorFlow go for now. Maybe my computer’s a little too outdated for this to work. Maybe I can try on a lab computer one day, who knows. The unfortunate thing is I planned for my whole week to be understanding Tensorflow and I couldn’t get anything to work.

I won’t have much to show for this week, but I can try to follow a nonTensorflow tutorial and see what I can get by tomorrow. I’m not banking on too much though considering how little time I have left, but we’ll see.
